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Cookie- and privacy policy

Privacy policy for Northern Survey

We take your data protection seriously. We process personal data and therefore we have adopted this privacy policy, which informs you of how your personal data is processed.

Contact information:

Northern Survey
Adress: Brundtvej 13, 8370 Hadsten, Denmark
VAT: 37687596
Phone.: +45 30 35 40 01
Mail: contact@northern-survey.com
Website: www.northern-survey.com


We take your data protection seriously.

We process personal data and therefore we have adopted this privacy policy, which informs you of how your personal data is processed.

Northern Survey are data controller for the data that we collect concerning you and we ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with the legislation.

If you wish to contact us regarding our processing of personal data, you can do that by: Contact@northern-survey.com


Processing of personal data

Personal data is every kind of information which in some way can be assigned to you.

To be our customer it is necessary for us, to collect the following personal about you: Name, e-mail, bank account details, company name, phone number and other e-mail signature information. This information is collected on the basis of the following legal basis: Consent, fulfilment of a contract, legal obligation or balancing of interests.

As a supplier and business partner the following personal data is collected: Name, e-mail, bank account details, company name, phone number and other e-mail signature information. This information is collected on the basis of the following legal basis: Consent, fulfilment of a contract, legal obligation or balancing of interests.

If you do not want us to process this information, it may be problematic to maintain and meet any agreements that have been entered.

When you make use of our website we collect and process different kinds of kind of information.

Normally we collect and process the following type of data: a unique ID and technical information about your computer, tablet or mobile phone, your IP-address, geographical location, as well as which pages you click (interests). To the extent that you give your consent to and enter data yourself we furthermore process: name, phone number, email, address and payment information.

This information is collected based on your consent.


Recruitment policy

When receiving a job application and relevant appendices, the materiel will be read by the relevant manager with the purpose of answering and assessing the content in relation to a defined job.

Job applications and CV’s are shared internally with relevant persons in the recruitment process and will not be disclosed to anyone outside the company.

Job applications and CV’s are saved until the right candidate is found and the recruitment process has been completed – then it will be deleted.

For unsolicited applications, the application and CV will be saved for a maximum of 6 months after which it will be deleted.

If the application and CV are saved for more than 6 months, special consent of the candidate is obtained.



We have taken the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent that your data accidentally or illegally gets deleted, released, lost, impaired or gets to the knowledge of any unauthorized persons, abused or in any way processed against the legislation.



Personal data about customers is collected for the following purposes:

– Processing your purchase and supply our services

– Administration of your relation with us

– Personal data about suppliers and business partners is collected for the following purposes:

– Processing purchases/services

– Administration of your relation with us

The data collected on our website is used to identify you as a user and to provide you with the services you have requested. In addition to this we use your data to optimize our service and content.


Data minimization

We only collect, process, and store the personal data necessary to fulfill our purpose. Furthermore, it may be determined by law, what type of data it is necessary to collect and store in connection with our business practices. The type and the extent of the personal data we process can be determined by the need to comply with a contract or any other legal obligation.


Data is updated

Since our service depends on the fact that your data is correct and up to date, we ask you to inform us about relevant changes in your personal data. You can make use of the contact information provided above to inform us about your changes, then we will make sure to update your data. If we notice that any data is incorrect, we will update the data and inform you about this.


Storage period

The data is stored in the time span which is allowed according to the legislation, and we will delete it when it is no longer necessary. The time span depends on the data’s character and the basis for the storage. Generally, information about costumers will be deleted if they no longer want to be contacted, or 5 years after the subscription has ended. Information about suppliers and business partners will be deleted 5 years after latest commerce.


Passing on data

We use a number of third parties for storage and processing of data, including IT suppliers, backup and external accountant. They only process data on our behalf and may not use it for their own purposes. In relevant cases data is given to banks and debt collection.

We will only pass on data such as name, email and so on for other purposes, if you give your consent.

We only make use of data processors in EU or in countries, which can protect data properly.

Data concerning your website use, which ads you receive and click, your geographical location, gender, and age segment et cetera, is passed on to third party to that extent that the data is known.


Your rights

At any time, you have the right to be informed of what data we process concerning you, from where we have collected it and what we use it for. You may also be informed about how long we store your data, and who receives data concerning you, to that extent that we pass on data in Denmark and to foreign countries.

If you request, we can inform you about what data we process concerning you. The access might be limited with respect to privacy protection, business secrets and immaterial rights.

You can make use of your rights by contacting us. You can find our contact information at the top.

If you think that the personal data, we process concerning you is imprecise, you have the right to have it corrected. In that case you must contact us and inform us what the imprecision is and how it can be corrected.

In some cases, we will have an obligation to delete your personal data. This is for instance the case if you withdraw your consent. If you think that your data is no longer necessary to the purpose, we collected it for, you can request it to be deleted. You can also contact us if you believe that your data is processed in contravention of the law or other legal obligations.

You can also lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

When you contact us with a request to have your personal data corrected or deleted, we examine whether the requirements are fulfilled, and if that is the case, we make the changes or delete as soon as possible.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. You can also object to the processing of our passing of your data for marketing purposes. You can make use of the contact information at the top to object. If your objection is justified, we make sure to stop the processing of your personal data.

You can make use of data portability if you want your data transferred to another data controller or data processor.

On our own initiative, we delete your personal data, when it is no longer needed for the purpose, we collected it for.

Cookie policy for Northern Survey

We use cookies on Northern-survey.com to provide the best possible service to you as a user of the website. In our cookie policy you can see how we handle the use of cookies.


Contact information:

Contact person: Elena Yalda
Address: Brundtvej 13, 8370 Hadsten
CVR: 37687596
Phone number.: +45 60 20 85 10
Mail: ey@northern-survey.com
Website: www.northern-survey.com


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a data file which a website saves on your IT device, such as a computer, tablet or smartphone. The purpose is to recognize the device and observe your movements on the website.

Today virtually all websites use cookies. In many cases cookies are necessary to provide a decent service to the user.

A cookie is a passive file which cannot retrieve information from your computer nor spread any sort of virus or malware.

Some cookies are only saved on your device for the duration of your browsing, so called session cookies. Other cookies are saved for a longer period after you have closed your browser, the so called persistent cookies. When you return to a website the cookie is typically renewed automatically.

Often cookies from other parties (third party cookies) are saved. This can be cookies with an ordinary content, but also analyzing tools and embedded comment boxes.


Cookies on Northern-survey.com

We use cookies to find out how our users use the website, so we can improve it. The information we gather is anonymous and cannot be traced to specific users.

We use the following types of cookies on Northern-survey.com:


First party cookies

As the first party, Northern-survey.com uses three kinds of session cookies. These are no longer registered when you shut down your browser. The purpose of these cookies is to recognize your device, register the amount of time you spend on the website and to identify the way you move around on the website.

We also use four different kinds of persistent cookies. The storage period for these ranges between 30 days and two years. They register how many times you have visited the website, for how long, how you get to the website and whether you are a new or returning user.


Third party cookies

Northern-survey.com uses Google Analytics as a statistical tool on the site. Google Analytics lets us follow a session on the website and gives us the opportunity to adapt the content based on relevance. This can not be traced back to an individual and the information is stored for two years.


How do you remove or avoid cookies?

How you delete or avoid the placement of cookies depends on your browser.

If you use an ordinary PC you can delete cookies by pressing [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[Delete]

If that does not work or you are using e.g. a MAC, you can do one of the following things depending on your browser.:



To delete cookies you go to Functions -> Settings -> Privacy -> Remove cookies or clare browser history

To block cookies you go to Functions -> Settings -> Privacy -> In the scroll menu, you choose ”use edited settings for history” -> Check ”always use pricacy browsing-mode” and remove the check in ”accept cookies from websites”


Internet Explorer

To delete cookies you go to Functions -> Settings -> General -> ”Gelete” -> Cookies -> Delete.

To block cookies you go to Functions -> Settings -> Protection of personal data -> go th the top and block all cookies -> ”OK”


Google Chrome

To delete cookies you go to Chrome -> Clear browsing data

To block cookies you go to Chrome -> Preferences -> advanced -> Content settings -> Cookies -> remove tag in “allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended)”



To delete cookies you go to Safari -> Prefrerences -> Privacy -> Block all cookies

To block cookies you go to Safari -> Prefrerences -> Privacy -> Block all cookies

All Danish websites are obliged to inform about which cookies are placed on the user’s IT devices. This information must correspond to ”Bekendtgørelse om krav til information og samtykke ved lagring af og adgang til oplysninger i slutbrugeres terminaludstyr” (in everyday language the Cookie Regulation).

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via the contact information provided at the top.

Northern Survey ApS · contact@northern-survey.com · Tel. (+45) 60 20 89 80

Office address: Bredskifte Allé 11, 2 · DK-8210 Aarhus V

Warehouse address: Brundtvej 13 · DK-8370 Hadsten

Cookies and privacy policy  · Danish

Danske Rederier

Northern Survey ApS

Brundtvej 13 · DK-8370 Hadsten

Tel. (+45) 60 20 89 80


Cookies and privacy policy  · Dansk